1. Go to https://koinosbox.com/nicknames/ and click on the Kondor or Wallet Connect Icon (for Konio) depending on your wallet. (This tutorial will be based on Kondor)

2. This will open a window to connect your wallet. Select your wallet and click “Accept”.

3. Now your wallet is connected, choose a nickname (user name). You can register more than one if you want. Make sure to show your support by registering a nickname with a “-meow” at the end 🙂
Click “Create”

4. You will be taken to a screen to enter more details but you can do this later if you want.

5. Scroll down and click “Register”

6. This will open a transaction pop up. Select “Advanced” options.

7. The Koinos blockchain allows developers to allocate free mana to users so you don’t have to pay any fees. Check the box for “Use free mana” and make sure you Max. mana is set to 15 just to make sure there is enough for the transaction.

8. Scroll down and click “Check Events” to review the transaction.

9. Click “Send” to send the transaction and register the nickname to your address.

10. You will now see and pop up letting you know the transaction has been submitted.

11. You have now registered your first nickname. Click “Update” to add more details, or register more nicknames.